Formulated Without: sulfates | parabens | mineral oil | propylene glycol | silicones | animal by-products

Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo
Cleansing the scalp is one of the most important things a man can do to keep his hair. Using a shampoo that focuses on the scalp will promote new healthy hair growth.
This formula contains 16 concentrated pure plant extract & essential oils specifically designed to cleanse the scalp/skin to restore hair balance & beauty.
Pure Tea Tree Oil combined with sage extracts provides an astringent quality to the scalp without stripping or compromising precious moisture & elasticity.
Lavender, horsetail & chamomile soothe and calm.
Pro-vitamin B5, keratin, soy protein & neutral henna help condition & protect.
* The result: healthy, properly cleansed scalp/skin for beautiful, soft & shiny hair.
Directions: Apply to wet hair, lather, leave in for 1-2 minutes and rinse well.
Follow with FAUNA Conditioner for best results.
For all Hair Types: Sulfate & Paraben Free. Safe for color treated hair.
FAUNA, a heavenly smelling shampoo cleanses so well that, we theorize, it washes away flaking skin in addition to unclogging pores & hair follicles
Arron H.
Former thinning patches of hair have grown back
Lynn B.
FAUNA is far more effective at dandruff than the other shampoos my husband has used
Randy M.
Male skin demands attention, too.

Third Age News Service-Nationwide
by Kyle Rodrick
As many women over age 40 will attest, skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing is an integral part of their morning and evening routines; whereas their spouses, male friends and relative seem to have made a lifelong habit of anti-skin care.
I am talking about the armies of men whose ineffective shaving creams lead to razor bumps and cuts. I am referring to men who inexplicably choose to shed their dandruff (don’t they realize that they’re flaking all over the place?) at home and, worse in public, instead of remedying matters with anti-dandruff shampoo. My rant also includes scores of makes who reach retirement age without ever once remembering to apply sunblock or moisturizing a single square inch of their skin.
I am married to a classic anti-skin care kind of fellow. He is a fine husband, a wonderful father – but still, he is a man whose haphazard approach (or should I say non-approach) to his scalp, face and body has helped foster a distinguished but weather-beaten appearance. And this appearance occasionally calls for dermatological intervention. A wife can only witness so many sunburns, razor bumps, flaking skin flurries and chapped lip incidents before taking matters into her own hands. This is the story of how following a simple regimen can remedy carious skin problems and make any man look and feel better from head to toe.
When my husband casually commented one day that his hair seemed to be thinning out, I stifled my fears of impending baldness and moved to give him immediate help in the scalp department – specifically, scalp cleansing. After all, he had been using the same chemical-laden mass-market dandruff shampoo for 10 years; it never seemed to help his condition. Figuring that a healing treatment shampoo with natural cleansing agents might do the trick, I gave my husband FAUNA, a heavenly smelling shampoo for delicate hair and skin that I’d been using. Its main ingredients are plant extracts like tea tree and lavender oils. (Tea tree oil is a pleasant-smelling, natural disinfectant.)
FAUNA cleanses so well that, we theorize, it washes away flaking skin, in addition to unclogging pores and hair follicles. The former patches of thinning hair have grown back, and FAUNA is far more effective at dandruff control than the other shampoo my husband was using. (To order FAUNA, call 1-800-536-1909.) FAUNA is also designed for use as a face and body wash. It's especially good for sensitive skins.