Renée Garacochea
Founder & CEO
In 1993 Renee adopted a 2 month old chocolate Cocker Spaniel, Avo. She found herself quickly purchasing every pet product known to man, however, she could not find a pet shampoo that did not contain a warning label, “Harmful to Humans and Domestic Animals” or that simply did not work for Avo. She began researching dog shampoo products and discovered often times the ingredients listed were not in fact in the shampoos. She also started testing pH levels in dogs and cats only to discover they were similar to humans. She found that the utilization of essential oils and plant extracts benefit pets at an even higher level than humans. When experimenting with many essential oils, Renee discovered that the combination of Tea Tree oil and Lavender oil was an excellent natural repellent for fleas, itchy skin and hot spots. Avo was a wonderful test dog! Renee was also testing the same product on herself. For human hair and scalp, this shampoo provided moisture, intense shine, body and treated oily scalps without weighing the hair down.
It was through this research and a ton of baths for Avo that Fauna: Aromatherapy Hair Care For Pets & People was born, featuring the Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Shampoo, Shea Butter & Lavender Oil conditioner, Orange Oil and Lavender Oil detangling sheen, Marigold Petals & Lavender Oil Babies shampoo (can’t leave out the puppies and babies! All of the products, for both you AND your pet, possess active healing properties, as well as aroma therapy elements that heighten sensory stimulation, yet sooth and calm the soul leaving you and your pet with the ultimate bathing experience every time.
For the last 28 years, Fauna has been providing beautiful coats and hair to puppies, dogs, cats, kittens, horses and PEOPLE.
If It’s Good Enough For Your Pet, It’s Good Enough For You!

After over 30 years of making hair products for both pets and people, the one thing have learned is that people really love their pets sometimes more than their spouses or even their kids.
Our pets are always there for us no matter what you look like or how you feel. They sleep with you and comfort you when you need it. These are just a few reasons why I made the FAUNA products.
Caring for their health is our responsibility. Remember, they walk around outside in god knows what they pick up on their paws; then you kiss them, hug them and they climb in bed with you. We wash our sheets (at least once a week) so why not wash your FAUNA baby??
I made all the FAUNA products gentle enough to be used daily but recommend weekly FAUNA baths. You'll notice results after the first bath and continue bathing a minimum of every two weeks. You can also save time by being able to shampoo together...that's true love!